Magazine photographer L.B. Jeffries (James Stewart) is immobilized with a broken leg after an accident. He spends his convalescence monitoring his neighbors in the adjacent apartment building — and soon suspects that one of them (Raymond Burr) might have murdered his wife. In Stewart’s performance, the eyes are as eloquent and expressive as words as he’s determined to convince his girlfriend (Grace Kelly), his nurse (Thelma Ritter), and a policeman friend (Wendell Corey) of the crime.
“Rarely has any film so boldly presented its methods in plain view… REAR WINDOW lovingly invests in suspense all through the film, banking it in our memory, so that when the final payoff arrives, the whole film has been the thriller equivalent of foreplay.” —Roger Ebert (Feb 20, 2000) “...Hitchcock has nowhere else come so close to pure misanthropy, nor given us so disturbing a definition of what it is to watch the ‘silent film’ of other people’s lives, whether across a courtyard or up on a screen.” —Geoff Andrew, TimeOut