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We’ll be closed this Sunday for our Red Carpet Evening fundraiser.

Sat-Sun, Jun 25-26


  • Dir. Terrence Malick
  • USA
  • 1973
  • 94 min.
  • PG
  • 4K DCP
  • Assistive Listening
  • Hearing Loop

Part of Weekend Classics’ Greatest Hits

*Additional Showtimes may be added

BADLANDS announced the arrival of a major talent: Terrence Malick. His impressionistic take on the notorious Charles Starkweather killing spree of the late 1950s uses a serial-killer narrative as a springboard for an oblique teenage romance, lovingly and idiosyncratically enacted by Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek. The film introduced many of the elements that would earn Malick his passionate following — the enigmatic approach to narrative and character, the unusual use of voice-over, the juxtaposition of human violence with natural beauty, the poetic investigation of American dreams and nightmares. This debut has spawned countless imitations, but none have equaled its strange sublimity.