Set in an isolated mountain village in 19th century Macedonia, YOU WON’T BE ALONE follows a young girl who is kidnapped and then transformed into a witch by an ancient spirit. Curious about life as a human, the young witch accidentally kills a peasant in the nearby village and then takes her victim’s shape to live life in her skin. Her curiosity ignited, she continues to wield this horrific power in order to understand what it means to be human.
“YOU WON’T BE ALONE does not disappoint… It’s a bit too slow to be called horror, but far too layered to be called a thriller. How do you define a film that deconstructs toxic masculinity better than THE POWER OF THE DOG could ever hope to?” —Stacey Yvonne, Black Girl Nerds “It's either the loveliest movie about witches you've ever seen or the goriest one Terrence Malick never made, but either way, YOU WON’T BE ALONE, as unclassifiable as it is, will take up haunted residence in your head.” —Joshua Rothkopf, Entertainment Weekly