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Wed, Sep 6 at 8:00pm


  • Dir. Darren Aronofsky
  • USA
  • 2006
  • 96 min.
  • PG-13
  • 35mm
  • Assistive Listening
  • Hearing Loop

Part of Staff Picks and programmed by Nick, who says, “​THE FOUNTAIN — one of my favorite films to puzzle and cry over — is a labyrinthine tale of two tethered souls weaving through space and time in search of eternal life. This will be my first experience watching it in a theater, and what a treat that it will be on 35mm film!”

Wed, Sep 6 at 8:00pm: Introduction from Belcourt staff member Nick | BUY TICKETS

Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Past, present, future. Through time and space, one man embarks on a bold 1000-year odyssey to defeat humankind’s most indomitable foe: Death. Hugh Jackman plays that man, devoted to one woman (Rachel Weisz) and determined to protect her from forces that threaten her existence. His quest leads him to a Tree of Life…and to an adventure into eternity. Darren Aronofsky directs, continuing his string of imaginative, involving filmmaking with a tale alive with ideas and filled with astonishing vistas.

“As with his other films, THE FOUNTAIN is a labor of love for Aronofsky, and it shows. If you prefer intellectual and challenging fare, by all means, go and see this one.” —Brian Rentschler, Screen Rant

“THE FOUNTAIN IS A MASTERPIECE!” —Gareth Higgins, The Film Talk